
How Perseverance Can Launch You into Purposeful Living

Remember, Success is a Team Sport

This past week was packed full of tasks requiring intellectual and emotional energy. From Monday through Wednesday, I assisted coworkers at my job on an urgent initiative. Then in my off hours, I coached two clients and prepared to attend a retreat nearby. I support entrepreneurs as they clarify their vision, strategy, and tactics. And I do so from a just few steps ahead. My business is not mature enough for me to leap into full-time entrepreneurship. I hoped the retreat would realign my values and that I could return to my coaching work with renewed vigor.

Listen   or   Read, How Perseverance Can Launch You into Purposeful Living

On Eating Frogs and Climbing Hills

Prioritizing the Unglamorous to Preserve Willpower

Several years ago, I read a delightful book called Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy. The book’s premise is simple. Since we lose willpower throughout the day, it is best to do the hard things first. Hopefully, you never have to eat an actual frog. But if a frog is on the menu, eat it first thing in the morning.

Listen   or   Read, On Eating Frogs and Climbing Hills

Are You Happy Like an Addict?

The Answer May Surprise You

In recent years, I have spoken to several people who sleep on the streets. I expected to find that those who lived on the streets were there due to misfortune and that, given the opportunity, they would gladly adopt a better life. And to be sure, some of them did fit that description.

Listen   or   Read, Are You Happy Like an Addict?

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FlareMark is a digital agency located in Manatee County, Florida. While we serve customers around the world, we specialize in local SEO for businesses in Bradenton and Sarasota, Florida. Bradenton, Florida. We use SEO, Social Media, and Search Marketing to increase visitors and leads for our customers.

Bradenton, Florida

Bradenton SEO helps local businesses thrive.

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Sarasota SEO helps local businesses thrive.

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