Use Digital Marketing to Build Your Business.

  • Ethical, sustainable strategies: We help businesses generate leads using tactics that fit your unique needs.
  • Gain a competitive edge: We give you the tools to outshine your competition and grow your business.
  • Simple, effective solutions: Our straightforward strategies are designed to deliver results without the hassle.
Book an Intro Call

The phone rang, jolting me from my thoughts. Could this finally be a customer with a project? “Hello,” said a cheerful voice, “I am an internal recruiter from AutoZone.”

I was desperate. The business I had painstakingly built over the past seven years had all but evaporated in the last ten months. Money was running out, and my wife and three children depended on my income. A few years earlier, I would not have considered giving up my independence for a steady paycheck, but now, I was more than willing.

While other businesses weathered the economic downturn in 2009, mine did not. I had always struggled with the feast-or-famine sales cycle, relying on content marketing and word of mouth. When the customers stopped coming, I floundered. I mistook marketing for sales, and a downturn demanded top-notch sales skills, not just blog content.

I was grateful for small things, especially during the first few months of employment. A paycheck arrived every two weeks, and I didn’t have to invoice anyone. I accrued paid time off just for showing up and doing my job! It seemed too good to be true.

Then, as the mighty Mississippi River flowed past the plate glass office windows surrounding me, reality set in. Forced positivity. Meetings. Unrealistic expectations based on decisions in which I had no voice. Enthusiasm blunted. I carried on. What else could I do?

I felt I had failed as an entrepreneur, and the prospect of failing again was almost too painful to bear.

Over the next decade, I experienced success. My income more than doubled. I gained a voice in critical decision-making processes, and my skills improved. But with each success, I felt less engaged. Less curious. And less hopeful about finding joy in my work.

What had once been a dream of freedom and business ownership had been traded for stability and time with my family. I was not a victim; I made this choice intentionally. Yet, it left me with a persistent sense of discontent and unease.

I filled the void with strategic job hopping for pay increases and skill acquisition. But eventually, I had to face the reality that I felt trapped and needed to leave the corporate world. How would I make that happen?

FlareMark is my answer. Over the next five to seven years, it will grow into my corporate retirement vehicle by helping entrepreneurs avoid the crushing loss I experienced in 2009. Assisting others in escaping the relentless feast-or-famine sales cycle will transform past disappointments into fuel for future growth.

Will FlareMark succeed? We are already on our way with a Growth Pathway service offering that resonates with small businesses handling high-ticket sales. The service includes branding, search marketing, and SEO components. To follow our journey, subscribe to FlareMark Weekly or set up an introductory call at your convenience.

Call me. I’ll be waiting for my phone to ring, but there will be no desperation this time. I’m taking back my agency by helping others do the same. Let’s work together!

Our Mission: Empowering Your Digital Strategy

At FlareMark, we believe technology should empower, not overwhelm. As your digital marketing advisors, we provide clear, accessible website audits and strategic guidance customized to your unique goals. Our services are designed to demystify the digital world, offering practical solutions and ongoing support to ensure you navigate with confidence and success.

We’re more than just consultants; we’re partners committed to crafting a digital strategy that amplifies your story. With FlareMark, you gain a champion devoted to your success. Let us transform your digital challenges into opportunities, propelling your mission forward with every online interaction.

Facts About Our Business

Founded in August 2020 in Memphis, TN, and now based in Bradenton, Florida, FlareMark is a results-oriented digital marketing agency dedicated to serving leaders in business. Our relocation in 2022 has positioned us to better serve our clients with innovative strategies and personalized service.

Ethical, Sustainable Strategies for Lead Generation

Ready to improve your search rankings, generate more leads, and build stronger customer relationships? Contact us now to begin your journey with a skilled advisor who is committed to your growth and success.

Harvey A. Ramer, Software Engineer.

We have collaborated with people like you for over twenty years.

Harvey A. Ramer’s career includes significant projects in the Fortune 500, improving e-commerce platforms, and fostering innovation in startups. He has experience in SEO, cloud architecture, and both front-end and back-end development, utilizing technologies such as AWS, Azure, Vue, React, and Angular. As a dedicated mentor and strategist, he thrives on turning complex business needs into scalable digital solutions, continually advancing digital marketing and web development to address modern challenges.

Introduce Yourself

FlareMark Weekly

One Actionable Insight Each Week

  • Stay ahead with practical, easy-to-implement marketing tips delivered straight to your inbox.
  • No fluff, just actionable insights to help you grow your business.

Wherever You Are, We’re Here for You.

FlareMark is a digital agency located in Manatee County, Florida. While we serve customers around the world, we specialize in local SEO for businesses in Bradenton and Sarasota, Florida. Bradenton, Florida. We use SEO, Social Media, and Search Marketing to increase visitors and leads for our customers.

Bradenton, Florida

Bradenton SEO helps local businesses thrive.

Sarasota, Florida

Sarasota SEO helps local businesses thrive.

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